DYN-HF-HT16 Laundry Tag
This transponder is usually been used in the field of laundry and has an operating frequency of 13,56 MHz
Art. 158831 / 159102
Integrated Circuit: EM 4033
Air Interface protocol: ISO 15 693, ISO 18 000-3
Memory: 64 bit Unique Serial number
Reading distance: approx. 70 mm
Mechanical dimensions: Diameter: 16,1 mm (± 0,2 mm), Thickness: 2,9 mm (± 0,2 mm), Edge radius: R0,6 mm (+/- 0,2), Housing material and Color: PPS, natural beige
Operating temperature: -30°C / +85°C
Temperature resistance: 150°C, 1; 200°C, 1 min
Humidity resistance: 85°C / 85% RH, 500h
Compression test: 1200 N (radial), 2600 N (axial)